Contestants from Angola, Leila Lopes managed to snatch the crown of Miss Universe 2011 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on Monday evening local time. When the question and answer session in the last five large, a woman born February 26, 1986 This fascinating look and managed to answer the questions the jury without any constraints.
It was Lopes were part of the body or the physical traits of what he changed. Women born in Benguela, Angola, was also admitted to not want to change his physical.
"Thankfully I am very satisfied with the way God created me and I would not change anything," Lopes said as quoted by the Associated Press.
"I consider myself as a woman endowed with beauty from within. I get a lot of great principles of my family and I intend to follow for the rest of my life."
As is known Lopes managed to beat the toughest competitor of the Ukraine, Olesia Stefanko who had to settle for first runner-up ranking.
Meanwhile, contestants from Brazil, Priscila Machado won second runner-up position. Filipina contestants followed at No. 3 and contestants from China in the rank-4.
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